A kiss on the hand…

Apparently my blog is turning into a dating blog. I remember when I was a little girl, I loved this Marilyn Monroe movie (Gentleman Prefer Blondes)! The flawless beauty singing and dancing surrounded by men trying to love her…wow that was my fantasy even when I was 7 years old. I can remember my Mama standing at the ironing board ironing all of my Dad’s shirts, while I watched this movie on the Marilyn Marathon. I thought to my 7 year old self,  “Self,  you DO NOT want to be standing around on a hot Summer’s day ironing a man’s shirts. No, indeed! You want to be singing and dancing in pink taffeta with tons of men clamoring for your attention!” So, maybe I have discovered the origin of my problem with creating man-fantasies.

Today, Big Daddy drove an hour and a half to take me to lunch. He is tall and handsome and makes me laugh. I seriously think I broke something laughing at him. He is a sweetheart and one of those people I have found in life that I just instantly adore. Big Daddy makes up cheers and leaves them on my voicemail, he asks me how my day was and tries to do thoughtful things for me.  I love that.

Tonight, I went out with Mr. Number Cruncher who is also a sweetheart. Fabulously good-looking and I am talking an 8 on the drool scale. But, have you ever been with someone who is loving and touchy-feely but not PASSIONATE? That is Mr. Number Cruncher: holding hands, sweet kisses, but no passion. I am a redhead and if you had to use one single word to describe me, it would be passionate.  I LOVE living life to the fullest. I am a hand-full on every level: smart, witty, funny, loving, sexy and fiery, in general. I am not sure what to think about lukewarm waters when I am always boiling over.

In line are: Mr. Song Writer, Mr. Sexcessful and Big Man on Campus.

I do not have enough meals in a week for the dates I am asked to go on with these fun, attractive men. Mr. Song Writer seems nice, but will surprise me if it’s a match made in Heaven.  Mr. Sexcessful and  I have already met and really enjoyed his company. We share similar interests and I like him. BMOC  is a cutie in Graduate school who has been chatting with me for  a while. Oh yes,  I forgot to mention the return of  Dr.Disappearing Act. I love learning about these guys’ lives, but let’s face it,  I don’t have the time to date so many men at once. If Mr. Number Cruncher weren’t so passive, then he would be the easy choice. If Big Daddy were able to be more active, he would be my perfect match.

I haven’t talked about my marriage much on here, but a miserable marriage makes a person terrified of getting “stuck” with the wrong person. I am really bad about seeing the good in people. I spent 15 years seeing the “good” in my ex-husband, who made it his mission to destroy me. There is a part of me that will never trust like that again.

I am so lucky to have met so many amazing men to share time with at this point in my life. I hope that I can give each of them a little slice of happiness to make the journey sweeter. I also can’t wait to find out what lesson will come with each interaction. But for now, I should really try to sleep.

Sweet Dreams ❤

This entry was posted in advice, anger, break up, confessions, Dating Sites, Divorce, drinking, feelings, Funny, girlfriends, girls, Humor, insight, laughter, Life, Love, Men, music, Psychology, Regret, Relationships, Sarcasm, sex, sexuality, Women and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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